Sunday, January 11, 2015

Fitness Inspiration for 2015!

Hey everyone! So, for today's post I figured most people's resolutions for 2015 are to either: get fit, stay healthy, or incorporate more activities into their schedule! For me, I simply want to just stay healthy and fit by doing a variety of sports and fitness. After the month or so of excitement that it is finally a new year and new chance for you to start over-the desire begins to fade. Workouts are becoming less frequent and you're already trying to convince yourself that you'll start the following Monday and so on. This trap gets repeated until its another new year and you're still not satisfied. That is why I am going to be sharing with you some fitness inspiration (to get you up and moving) that you can look back on when you are feeling in a slump. Not that every day needs to be up and running just beginning with a couple times a week and working your way up to your goal so that 2015 will be YOUR year!

I hope you enjoyed this post! I know it was quite short but with the first week back to school time has gone by too fast with assessments, etc. Remember to always look for this post and show your friends/family to kickstart your healthy lifestyle or when you just need some inspiration. Thanks for reading xxx

(all images are taken from tumblr)

1 comment:

  1. That is why I am going to be sharing with you some fitness inspiration (to get you up and moving) that you can look back on when you are feeling in a slump. Not that every day needs to be up and running just beginning with a couple times a week and working your way up to your goal so that 2015 will be YOUR year!find more info
