Thursday, November 26, 2015

I'm Thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving! I finally have enough time to sit down and write a blog post. It's been so long since I've blogged but I just needed a little break to focus on schoolwork and dancing. Now, I am in Madison, Wisconsin at my grandparents house for thanksgiving. It was snowing a couple of days ago and now it's cold and rainy which is a nice change in the weather since it's been bright sunshine almost every day in California.

Anyways, to get back into the routine of blogging I thought I would write down things I'm thankful for in my life because there is so much to be grateful for and I feel so blessed and happy with my life and everyone that's a part of it.

I'm thankful for...

Family is such an important part of my life and I honestly don't know where I would be without them. They are the only people in this world that know every part of me (good and bad) and also the only people that I have known since birth. I know my family will always be there for me and I can always count on them over anyone or anything. I am thankful to have such an amazing family that I have a strong connection with and feel very fortunate in how I was raised and by whom.

Friends are such an important part of my life and I love meeting new people and becoming friends with as many people as I can. Without friends my life would not be the same and I can honestly say that they mean so much to me. I am also so grateful to have friends from all over the world and although I can't always see them or hang out with them they're such a big part of my life and I miss them so much.

The ability to have an education
A lot of times we complain about having to go to school and act like school is a prison or such an awful place. But every day that I wake up I feel so grateful to be able to go to school and have an education because there are so many people who can't even read or write. School is exhausting and a lot of work but it's also a place where you get to hang out with your friends every day, meet new people, learn new things, and be educated about the world.

I love dancing and expressing myself through movement and songs. Even though I know I'm not the best dancer in the world and probably won't dance professionally, it's something I have a passion for and love to do. Finding an activity you truly love to do and go to every day is hard and I'm so lucky to have found that through dance.

Basic necessities in life that we take for granted: food, home, water, clothes
If you have food every day, a house to live in, water, and clothes than you should be thankful because those are basic things that we assume everyone has but doesn't. I love Thanksgiving because it's a time for me to realize that my life is so fortunate and just having basic necessities could make someone else's world.

My dogs
My two dogs put such a big smile on my face and make me so happy. Whenever I'm upset or had a bad day they always cheer me up and can sense when I'm feeling sad. Our older dog I basically grew up with so he's such a big part of my life and I can't imagine not having him in our family.

To be alive and healthy
Lastly I'm so thankful to be alive, breathing, and healthy; which I think speaks for itself.

Thanks for viewing this post and Happy Thanksgiving again! Hopefully I will be posting something soon so look forward to that xx

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