Sunday, March 8, 2015

Healthy Lunch Ideas!

Hey everyone! It is finally SUNNY here in Switzerland; which means that spring is officially springing (hopefully). After a long, gray winter blue sunny skies not only makes me so happy but it also encourages me to step away from the junk on rainy days and indulge in tons of fruit and healthier food. That is why I have for you 3 healthy lunch ideas. I think lunch is one of the hardest meals to find food for and I usually end up just snacking and then eating unhealthy in the late afternoon. However, I came up with three great meals; two are perfect to bring to school and one is better for a weekend lunch when you have more time! I hope you enjoy...

Lunch Idea #1: Turkey & Cheese
Usually a balanced lunch consists of some protein, fruit and an optional extra starch. This first lunch is exactly that and takes under 5 minutes to make.

Start with taking some slices of turkey and placing them in a bag or tupperware. Next, crumble up some feta cheese and throw it in with the turkey. At school you can either roll up your feta inside a turkey slice or just eat both separate!

Next, is an apple of course because 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away' ;) They also taste really refreshing with the turkey and feta cheese on top of apples is amazing!

My extra carb/starch to keep me full the rest of the school day are these pretzel thins. Unlike the larger and thicker pretzels which contain a ton of fat, these are a thinned out version and much better for you!

Lunch Idea #2: Peanut Butter 'Bananza'
The next lunch is a classic and can also be used for a quick breakfast! Whole wheat bread topped with natural peanut butter and a sliced banana.

Once again another apple on the side, however this can be berries or any other preferred fruit or veggie!

Also, if you want some extra moisture cottage cheese is a great snack (if you like the consistency) and is super filling as well. 

Lunch Idea #3: Quesadilla with a Twist
Lastly, is my quesadilla! I love making quesadillas on the weekend with a fruit smoothie after working out or going on a walk/run. However, I've always just used white tortillas and never added anything that special to it. This quesadilla with a twist is healthy, easy, and includes one of my new favorite fruits-avocado! Also, it is halved and on a wheat tortilla which is such a better and more nutritious option. TIP: Add some bell pepper or onion for more crunch and flavor!

If you are not sure how to make a quesadilla:
  1. For half a quesadilla...take out ONE wheat tortilla and lay flat on pan
  2. Add some cheese onto half of the tortilla
  3. Cook in oven until cheese is melted
  4. Add chicken pieces (and veggies such as pepper or onion)
  5. Cook until tortilla is crispy at the edges
  6. Cut open your avocado and add onto the top or side along with some salsa (optional)

Thank you for viewing Eat Sweat Style and I will see you next week for another blog post! Let me know in the comments if you'd prefer to see a fitness post, fashion or spring inspiration...


  1. I'd like to see a spring fashion post for next week! :)

  2. Thanks so much for your comment! You can expect to see a spring fashion post next week-for this week it will be an exciting fitness post :)
