Sunday, May 17, 2015

The Best Exercise to get YOU Ready for Summer...Burpees! | 7 Variations

Hey everyone! Summer is getting closer and closer every day which means...beach, pool, and basically living in swimsuits and shorts. So, I have created a cardio workout to burn fat and tone up your muscles. For this workout, only one exercises is needed because it attacks all your muscles in a quick and efficient way. Yep, it's the dreaded burpees! Now, before you turn away after reading about whole workout full of burpees; I have created seven different and exciting variations of burpees to tone and slim you down into your most confident state for summer. Burpees are challenging but what's the point of doing a workout if you're not being pushed and breaking out in a sweat? So, I challenge you to do this workout and have fun whilst doing it - you'll always feel better once you complete your workout so don't think about and just DO IT! In addition, all the instructions on how to complete the burpees are in GIFs so click on the photo so view the GIFs once they stop cycling through.

Workout Outfit

How to do a basic burpee
  1. Begin standing up with your feet slightly spread apart, back standing tall
  2. Drop down into a tuck position touching your feet (curled up into a ball)
  3. Jump your feet out behind you so you are in a plank / push-up position; hands flat
  4. Jump your feet back into your chest and into a curled stance
  5. Rise up and jump as high as you can shooting your arms up into the sky

Classic Push-up Burpee - 10 Reps
The first variation is the classic push-up burpee. Complete a basic burpee with a push-up when you are in plank position.

Star Jump Burpee - 10 Reps
The star jump burpee is completed exactly like a basic burpee, however at the top when you're jumping into the air do a huge star jump instead of a basic hop. If you're not familiar with star jumps, they are jumps in which your body looks like a sprawled out star - legs out and arms up and reaching out.

Superman Burpee 10 Reps
Superman burpees include a superman hold at the bottom of the burpee. In other words, once you are in push-up position, drop all the way down onto your stomach and lift up your arms and legs into a superman (arched back) for 3 seconds. Complete the rest of the burpee normally.

Side to Side Burpee 10 Reps
This burpee includes a side jump out with your feet to target your obliques and whittle down your waist. Begin with a basic burpee, and then once in push-up stance jump your legs out to one side and back to the middle. Complete the rest of the burpee normally, and then repeat on the other side. 5x each side (left and right).

Mountain Climber, Tuck Jump Burpee 10 Reps
Be prepared for one of the most challenging variations because it has two extra strengthening moves into one basic burpee. Once you reach push-up stance complete 5 mountain climbers; jump your legs back into your chest and instead of hopping up do a tuck jump. A tuck jump is a jump into the air with your legs bent and into your chest.

Dive Bomber Burpee 10 Reps
In the complex dive bomber burpee, yoga exercises are intertwined into the exercise to stretch out your muscles. Once you are in a plank stance, dive your head down into your chest and pus out into a downward dog with your heels aiming to touch the ground. Then, bend your elbows into a tricep push-up and sweep your body back down to the ground, following with a final downward dog. Next, hop your feet into your body and jump up normally.

Box Jump Burpee 10 Reps
The box jump burpee is pretty self-explanatory...perform a basic burpee with a jump up onto a box or heightened surface at the end of each burpee.

How was it? Did you finish it all? If you did, then you just did 70 burpees! Next time, try increasing the reps and working your way up to 100 burpees total.

I hope you enjoyed this summer-inspired fitness post and that it challenged you both physically and mentally. Thanks for viewing and stay tunes for a fashion post next Sunday xx

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